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14 - 16 December 2020

on-line meeting

     The second meeting will be in Italy. It will be a three-day meeting and we plan two days for traveling. 14 teachers will participate - 2 per institution. The teacher Training meeting will be in three days and two days for travel, so the project grant will cover five days altogether for this meeting. 
    On the first day, teachers will meet specialists in the field of creation of interactive products for children. They will learn how to make an interactive gamebook of their own the second day they will work in teams on topics drawn in advance. Each team will have to develop a mini project of their own which to present the next day. The strengths and weaknesses will be discussed and considered. 
On the third day, teams will work on a common task. Each team will make a certain part of the interactive game-book, which will afterward ensembled in the common task. The final result will be assessed and commented on for professional feedback by specialists in this specific area. Each participant will get a Europass mobility certificate

Communication, Education and Digital

How to create a Game and Timeline


“Zoomed In”, Interactive and ZOOM games

Upload and Peer Evaluation

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